Monday, May 12, 2008

Flying Kites!

On Mother's Day afternoon we enjoyed a family get together on Chris' side of the family. Ellie enjoyed playing with Hannah and everyone had a great time flying kites.


Storytime at the Library!

Elliana LOVES to go to storytime. She askes to go every morning, so we count the days until it is storytime day. Here are some pictures from storytime.

I'm Ready to Eat, Mama!

What a big eater we have... Elliana is always ready to eat! Her new sentence is "I'm hungry - I want something ("somepin") to eat, please."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Creative Discovery Museum

We enjoyed a fun day at the Creative Discovery Museum with our friends Emily, Carey, and Camey! Elliana especially liked playing in the water and playing store with Camey. We are excited that we have a year's membership (thanks to mom and dad) and can go anytime we want! :)

Helping in the Kitchen!

We love our new Shaklee Basic H Cleaner. In attempt to get rid of the chemicals in our home, we have started buying Shaklee all natural cleaners. Ellie even likes helping Mama clean with them. It's nice to know that they are so safe and natural that even Ellie can "help" Mama clean with them!

Elliana's 2nd Birthday Party!

Elliana is now a two-year-old! We can't believe how fast these two years have gone by. We had a little party for Ellie at the Pumpkin Patch Playground and had such a fun, memorable time. We've been hearing "Happy Birthday to Ellie" ever since! :) Here are some shots from the party.

Downtown Day with Mimi

We had a fun day with Mimi downtown a few weeks ago. We enjoyed going to Coolidge Park and riding the Carousel. We also went to the new Greenlife Grocery to pick up a few things. Ellie thought the carts there were the greatest!

Backyard Picnic

We have really enjoyed the yard at our new house. Ellie loves to have picnics, so brought our lunch to the backyard one day. Being outside is one of Ellie's most favorite things. On rainy days she'll look out the window and sing "Rain, rain, go away, little Ellie wants to play."

Tinkertoy Fun

Ellie has discovered how much fun Tinkertoys can be! We played with them on the front steps for almost an hour one day. Unortunately, she also thought it was fun to push the tinkertoy sticks into the dirt... I think Tinkertoys will have to be an inside toy from now on!

Lots and Lots of Bubbles!

Chris set up the bubble machine on the deck and we couldn't believe the bubble wonderland that we created! Daddy and Momma had just as much fun as Elliana!

Fishing Trip!

In March, Chris and his dad went out on the boat to fish. Ellie went for a ride with them and had a blast!