It has been so cold around here lately, but it finally warmed up to sixty degrees one day and we had a fun morning playing outside! We played in the hammock and on Ellie's "playground" (that is what she calls our swingset!) Even Josiah enjoyed swinging. We are so blessed with a nice yard for us to get out and play in.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Backyard Fun!
It has been so cold around here lately, but it finally warmed up to sixty degrees one day and we had a fun morning playing outside! We played in the hammock and on Ellie's "playground" (that is what she calls our swingset!) Even Josiah enjoyed swinging. We are so blessed with a nice yard for us to get out and play in.
"Jump, Jump, Josiah!"
Just like Elliana at this age, Josiah loves his jumpy seat!! Elliana loves to play with him while he jumps... we just have to watch that she doesn't swing him (it's pretty funny, but I'm sure not very safe!) Josiah must be very comfy in his jumpy because he has fallen asleep in it several times! So cute!

Ice Cream Maker
Oh No, a Crocodile!
We had a fun time at the Aquarium using the last of our 2008 membership. Ellie was particularly fascinated by the crocodile (I think it was actually an alligator) they had there. She didn't get too close though, she was worried he would "snap" and eat her!! It you haven't heard Ellie sing her Crocodile song, you've really missed out. It is hilarious. We also went to TGIFridays for lunch with Aunt Shannon... Josiah slept the whole entire morning and through lunch. He really missed out!
Baby Bumbo Seat
Christmas Candy Making
We had a fun time making candy to take to our neighbors and friends for Christmas. Ellie mostly swiped bited of candy, but she did manage to help some!! Josiah enjoyed sitting in his highchair seat watching the candy making unfold! We had a great time and our neighbors enjoyed it. We also took some to some of our shut-in friends and some people we know at a nursing home. It was such a neat time. Children are a huge hit at any nursing home - we could have stayed there all day! This was something we would like to continue doing every year - it was such a blessing to us.

Christmas Decorations
We really enjoyed our first Christmas in our home! It was fun to decorate - we were excited that our Christmas tree really did fit... we thought we'd have to get a smaller one. This year we enjoyed celebrating the Advent season and lighting candles on our Advent wreath. Elliana learned several new carols this year, including two verses of Joy to the World. We are amazed at her ability to memorize songs and scripture. Wish we were able to do that!

Three Months Old
Josiah is a thumb sucker... although that has stopped some because he now has two front teeth on the bottom! Wow - he was 3 months old when they came in, very unexpectedly. One was spotted on December 23rd and the other on the 25th! So, he did get his two front teeth for Christmas! Ellie was so cute in this picture I just had to share it!
Growing and Changing...
A Nativity Story!
Ellie cracks us up with her play times... She LOVES playing with her nativity set and talking about the Christmas story. Ever since Christmas 2007 she has been fascinated with nativities. It is her favorite toy that she plays with every day for about a year now. It is hilarious to watch and listen to her play!! One day, after she went down for her nap I found this...

It looks like all the dollhouse people are standing in awe of "little baby Jesus" (the dollhouse baby in the bassinet!). We love the cheerleader, and the bunny rabbit, and the lamb looking at Mary! Notice Joseph is missing his hands... Elliana's nativity is definitely well-loved, and has added some members over the past few months!!
It looks like all the dollhouse people are standing in awe of "little baby Jesus" (the dollhouse baby in the bassinet!). We love the cheerleader, and the bunny rabbit, and the lamb looking at Mary! Notice Joseph is missing his hands... Elliana's nativity is definitely well-loved, and has added some members over the past few months!!
Our Little House (on Hwy 58!! :)
Here's Elliana "gathering the chickey eggs!" We are reading through the Little house books (the early years that are about Caroline Ingalls) and Ellie loves to talk about all that they did around the farm.

Here's a picture of her "Caroline Desk" that Mimi and Papa got her for our school time. It looks a lot like an old fashioned desk they would use in little house times.
Here's a picture of her "Caroline Desk" that Mimi and Papa got her for our school time. It looks a lot like an old fashioned desk they would use in little house times.
Josiah Daniel
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We Are So Thankful!
The following pictures were taken during Thanksgiving. We had real live Thanksgiving turkeys come to visit our house!! They come around often, and it has been fun to see them. We also made a Thankfulness turkey for our house and during the month of November we wrote on the feathers what we are thankful for. We enjoyed a yummy lunch out with family, then went geocaching for a little bit after that. That evening we read our Thanksgiving book we read every year and brought pumpkin bread to our neighbors. God has blessed up so tremendously and we are thankful for all He has done in our lives!

Fall Fun!
Sister and brother... so sweet!
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