We enjoyed learning all about the letter C and cows for a few weeks!! We learned that "God's Word helps me grow" - how important God's Word is in our lives. We also learned about cows, dairy farms, and foods that are in the "dairy" category from great books and videos we checked out at the library. We even made butter one day and had a "dairy party" for our snack complete with ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and saltines with our fresh butter! The highlight of our unit was a trip to Sweetwater Valley Cheese Farm with Mimi and Aunt Shannon!
We bought a set of bunk beds and put them in Ellie's room and moved her twin bed into Josiah's room. When the boys are old enough they will share the bunk beds, but their room is too small for bunks and a crib. We'll just swap everything back around in a few years! :) The kids are thrilled with their new sleeping arrangements and Josiah especially loves his big-boy bed and is doing a great job with it! So many fun preparations for a new baby!!
My co-workers at the bank threw me a surprise baby shower!! I was so thrilled and received so many sweet gifts for our baby boy. God has blessed me with a wonderful part-time job that I enjoy so much!!
Our favorite park has a special perk for us - a "secret" place with lots of yummy blackberries! :) Chris and I found it right after we were married and have gone back every year to pick some. The kids love going there as well now.
Elliana and I hosted a "Grandmother Tea" for her grandmothers in June and had a wonderful time! We enjoyed cucumber sandwiches, lemon tea scones, delicious tea, and wonderful fellowship together! So thankful we were able to do this!! God has blessed Ellie (and myself!) with many lovely ladies in her life.
We are greatly anticipating the arrival of this new little blessing from the Lord! The pregnancy has been great and baby is doing very well. Due date is August 23rd and we are very excited about meeting this little guy!