November 2 was our last Sunday at Hamilton Baptist. After months of praying, we felt the Lord's leading for us to leave. Here's an exerpt from our 2007 Christmas Letter:
As many of you know, this has been a year of change for our family. After many months of seeking the Lord’s will, we decided it was time for Chris to resign his position as youth and children’s pastor of Hamilton Baptist Church. This was difficult decision for us, as our hearts were bonded with so many there. However, God gave us peace about the change, and our last Sunday was the beginning of November. We currently are visiting different churches in the area. It has been fun to see the different ministries that we’ve only heard of until now. We are praying that the Lord will show us the right church home, prepare us for future ministry opportunities, and Chris attending seminary.
While at Hamilton, we were blessed with the use of the church parsonage. Therefore, leaving Hamilton also meant leaving our house! We moved in with Chris’ parents at the beginning of November. They have been very gracious in sharing their home. Right now, we are praying for a house to buy! Each time we think we have “found the one,” the doors seem to close. The Lord knows exactly what He is doing, and has a house ready for us to find! We’ll keep you posted on our progress.
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