Friday, March 21, 2008

Dollhouse Fun!

Ellie loves playing with her dollhouse. We keep it up in the closet in only bring it out occasionally to keep it as a special toy. We've found that if we rotate the toys out and only keep a few at a time, she plays with them so much more that having a bunch all at once. She really enjoys the dollhouse and interacts with the family. I was washing dishes one day and Ellie brought the baby to me and said "This baby has a stinky diaper." She wanted me to change the baby, but I reminded her that Mama's hands were all wet and she would have to do it. She put the baby down and "changed" him, and went back on playing. She's going to be a good little helper with our new baby!! By the way - notice I said "washing dishes." It's really not good to get used to a dishwasher and then move to a house without one!! :) I am learning to be thankful for this new chore.. We found a picture that says "Count Your Blessings", and thought it might be a good idea to put it up in front of the sink so I can look at it as I wash... I'm not so sure about this! :)

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